Course curriculum

  • 1

    Jesus and Jerusalem

    • Jesus and Jerusalem Part 1

    • Jesus and Jerusalem Part 2

    • Jesus and Jerusalem Part 3


The Rev'd Dr. Peter Walker

Dr. Walker studied Classics and Early Church History at Cambridge University, followed by extensive post-doctoral research on attitudes to Jerusalem within the Bible and the era of the early church. He taught at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford, Trinity School for Ministry in Pennsylvania, and has led guided tours to the lands of the Bible for over 30 years. Dr. Walker is widely acknowledged as one of the foremost experts on the Holy Land. His book, In the Steps of Jesus, has come to be recognized as the authoritative guide for Christian visitors. These lectures will highlight the issues discussed in The Story of the Holy Land (2011), The Land of Promise (2000), and especially, Jesus and the Holy City (1996). For the second lecture he will be joined by the Rev’d Colin Chapman, who taught for 18 years in Middle Eastern seminaries and whose books on contemporary politics in the Holy Land are widely respected for their informed perspective and biblical wisdom: Whose Promised Land? (1983; 4th edition 2015) and Whose Holy City? Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2004).